Privacy Policy

Personally identifiable information is not collected by TRI unless it has been voluntarily provided by you. TRI does not collect information for commercial marketing or any purpose unrelated to TRI functions.

How TRI Collects Information

By registering for an NIH Clinical Center event using TRI, you are voluntarily providing personally identifiable information and granting consent for its use in administration of the website. Personally identifiable information that may be collected includes:

  • TRI Clinical Data Management System (using Oracle Clinical)
  • TRI Clinical Systems Management Portal (using Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010)
  • TRI Safety Reporting System (using Empirica Trace)
  • TRI Regulatory Support Collaboration Portal (using Microsoft SharePoint 2007)
  • Several client Web sites and Web applications (using web markup, ASP.NET and XML)

The system records minimal information required (i.e. names and email address, mailing address, phone, organization name, department name) of system users(Event Administrators) to support system authentication and user notification features, however this information is not considered IIF as it exists in the public domain.

Privacy Act Notification Statement:

Collection of this information is authorized under 42 U.S.C. 241, 242, 248, 281, 282, 284, 285a, 285b, 285c, 285d, 285e, 285f, 285g, 285h, 285i, 285j, 285l, 285m, 285n, 285o, 285p, 285q, 287, 287b, 287c, 289a, 289c, and 44 U.S.C. 3101. The primary use of this information is to facilitate NIH CC event management and user notification features. Submission of this information is voluntary; however, in order to be register and participate in NIH CC events, you should complete all required fields.

How TRI Uses Cookies

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memo M-10-22, Guidance for Online Use of Web Measurement and Customization Technologies, allows federal agencies to use session and persistent cookies. When you visit any website, its server may generate a piece of text known as a “cookie” to place on your computer. The cookie allows the server to “remember” specific information about your visit while you are connected. The cookie makes it easier to use some features of web pages. Requests to send cookies from TRI Round UP are designed to collect information about your browser session only; they do not collect personal information about you. There are two types of cookies: single session (temporary) and multi-session (persistent).

Session cookies last only as long as your web browser is open. Once you close your browser, the cookie disappears. Persistent cookies are stored on your computer for longer periods. TRI only uses session cookies, not persistent cookies. Session cookies are used for technical purposes such as improving navigation though the site. These cookies let the server know that you are continuing a visit to the site. The session cookie is not permanently stored on your computer. The cookie and the information about your visit are automatically destroyed shortly after you close your browser to end the session. The OMB Memo M-10-22 Guidance defines this use of session cookies as “Usage Tier 1 – Single Session.” The policy states, “This tier encompasses any use of single session web measurement and customization technologies.”

How Personal Information Is Protected

Personally identifiable information voluntarily provided is not disclosed, given, sold or transferred outside of TRI, unless required for law enforcement or by statute. Personally identifiable information is retained in secured TRI databases. Security measures include UserID and password authentication, firewall, IDS, and encryption.

TRI links to other websites, federal agency sites and other organizations. By following these links, you are subject to the privacy policies of those sites.

If you believe your personally identifiable information has been inappropriately obtained, used, disclosed, or if you believe your personally identifiable information is inaccurate, please contact

© Technical Resources International, Inc.  •  •  Phone: 301-564-6400